Welcome to Sanctuary!
Rooted and flourishing are agricultural words – but these are the images Jesus used to help us understand how to live a full and abundant life. This is not a process we can control, but rather the conditions in which his grace and love can overflow into this world. We root ourselves in Christ by being intentional with our time, activities, and relationships so that our lives reflect the priorities of God’s Kingdom, rather than the priorities of the world. We seek the flourishing of our neighbors through our work and service, our speech and actions so that our neighbors might experience true justice – shalom, a right relationship with God, and with their neighbors, through Christ. We’ll never be finished with this work, but by God’s grace we are being rooted in Christ, for the flourishing of our neighbors.
If you’re interested in joining us for worship, we meet Sunday mornings at 10:30am at United. We have an ever growing Children’s Ministry for the young ones in our church, and a handful of ways that we connect outside of our Sunday gatherings.
We seek our neighbors’ flourishing in a variety of ways – wherever we live, work, study, and play. But in our neighborhood, we run Path Preschool as a tangible expression of God’s love for the little ones and their families.
We are connected to the Christian Reformed Church in North America, and have a number of sister & daughter churches throughout the Pacific Northwest that we support and that support us.