"Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work
and build up the church, the body of Christ." (Ephesians 4:12 NLT)
Sanctuary is a Council led church. This leadership body is made of both elders (elected lay leaders) and pastors who shepherd, teach, provide leadership, vision and care for the congregation.
Our Council gathers once a month on the third Tuesday at the church office (80th & Mary). These meetings are open to members and any suggestions and feedback for the Sanctuary Council are welcome and may be directed to any one of our team members.
New members of Council are nominated and elected at annual congregational meetings to replace those elders who have completed their terms. Terms for elders typically last 3 years.

Sanctuary Elders
Mark Mohrlang (Pastor)
Amy Mitchell
Steve Geelhood
Bob Kunde
Amy Winter
Sarah Hofman-DeYoung
The staff of Sanctuary seeks to serve and equip the body of Christ for her various ministries in the world.

Mark Mohrlang, Pastor
Mark began serving on staff at Sanctuary in 2007 as the Worship Director. After a leisurely journey through Fuller Theological Seminary, Mark received his M.Div, and was ordained as Pastor in 2015, serving alongside his wife Summer. In 2021, after Summer became Executive Director of SoulFormation (see her story below), Mark began additional studies at the Eugene Peterson Center for Pastoral Imagination at Western Theological Seminary, and received his Doctor of Ministry degree in 2024. Mark takes deep delight in the unique mixture of scripture, art, music, community, silence, sermon, and prayer that make up each week's Sunday gathering. Beyond Sundays, his heart is to see God's people understand the value and significance of their work (whether office, home, or school) as it is one of the most important places where we are both formed and live out our faith.
He is married to Summer and they have two fantastic red-heads: Allister & Amelia.

Jeff Aitken, Director of Youth & Family Ministries
Jeff is a native Seattleite who loves seeing youth come alive in their love for Christ. He loves music, Mexican food, and definitely not raw tomatoes, though he does enjoy growing them. Jeff has a B.A. from Whitworth University and an M.Div from Fuller Seminary. Jeff is married to Becky, and father to Joshua.

Abigail Johnson, Worship Director
Abigail is a gifted pianist and vocalist and teaches music through Alley Bell Music, private piano lessons, and other instrumental and choral venues. Each week Abigail leads us in our experiencing and expressing the gospel story in our weekly worship services. She has a bachelor degree from Hope College, and a Masters degree from Boston University. She is not afraid of motions, or harmonies.

Jonna Petry, Pastoral Intern
Jonna is a licensed mental health counselor and received her MACP from the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. She is currently pursuing her M.Div through Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI. She has a heart for healing, and a deep love for the church in Seattle. She is married to Paul and has eight children.

Celia Troth, Administrator
Celia has served in a variety of roles at United, and now serves as Sanctuary's Administrator. She is married to Frank, and mother to Owen and Fiona.

Summer Mohrlang, Pastor & Executive Director of Soul Formation
My calling is to help leaders nurture their relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit. I want each person I meet with to experience their belovedness in Christ and for this to be what motivates and fuels their life and work. My particular passion is working with Christian leaders in the church, para-church ministries and other helping professions.
My husband Mark and I, along with our 2 red headed children live in NW Seattle. I yearn to see shalom, "the way things ought to be," come in this city. But my story includes burnout as a result of engaging in this work without taking adequate care of my soul. Through spiritual direction, and the Lord's gentle presence, however, I was able to come through that season and re-engage in a much healthier, Spirit driven way.
I am not quite a Seattle native but have lived here since coming to attend UW. I have a BS in Industrial Engineering from UW, an MDiv from Fuller and have completed both the Academy of Spiritual Formation and School of Spiritual Direction through Soul Formation.

Randy Rowland, Founding Pastor / Pastor Emeritus
Randy is the founding pastor of Sanctuary and is involved in developing and supporting church plants regionally and bi-nationally in the Christian Reformed Church. He holds undergraduate degrees from Pacific Lutheran University and People's Bible Institute, and Masters and Doctoral degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary. Randy has a deep interest in music, movies and sports and how all of these aspects of popular culture can be explored to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Randy is married to Nancy Rowland and they have two children, Rachel & Andy. He was the stadium voice for the Seattle Seahawks for thirty years, and the author of two books: Get A Life and The Sins We Love and co-author with Lyle Schaller of Center City Churches.