Why Small Groups?

By Summer Mohrlang

Summer and Allister Allister loves going to the playground.  Which means that several times a week we set out from home with stroller loaded down with snacks, sippy cup, hats, jackets, etc. on our way to the ‘park.’  Allister loves the slide, and swinging on the swing and happily does either ad-infinitim if I don’t finally drag him away for dinner. But Allister is 2 ½ and lately, just in the last few months, something new has begun to grab his attention more powerfully than anything else; other kids.  These days, when we arrive at the park if there are other kids there playing Allister will stand, for what seems an eternity, just staring at them while they play.  He is fascinated by other kids and it is clear that he longs to participate, to be a part of their fun.

We are created by a God who is, in his very triune nature, relational.  God, after creating man, Adam, said “It is not good for the man to be alone.” (Gen. 2:18)  Allister’s innocent and completely un-programmed yearning to connect with the other kids at the playground illustrates the truth of this.  We are designed to be in relationship with one another.

Why you ask?  Well, Scripture sheds some light on this.  Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”  If you spent any time in the ‘old Green Bean’ you probably witnessed Baker Bob sharpening his knives by scraping them back and forth across a sharpening iron.  Being in relationship with others is like this.  In rubbing against one another we become sharper.

This is one of the key reasons we believe small group Bible studies are so important.  It is in the context of these smaller gatherings throughout the week that we are able to know and be known, to form meaningful relationships with other believers.  It is here that we are sharpened in our faith and life.

Another reason we encourage members of Sanctuary to participate in small group Bible studies is because we firmly believe Paul’s words to Timothy that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” (2 Tim. 3:16)  One of God’s greatest gifts to his followers is the Bible, literally his ‘Word’ written down and handed to us in pocket sized, leather bound form.  In it we have the epic story of a lover pursuing his wayward beloved; only as we read we discover that we are the beloved, that God is pursuing us, calling us, wants to be in relationship with us.  In it we meet Jesus, God’s answer to the separation our sin has created between God and us.  And in it we receive a picture of what life can look like if we choose to stop running from God and “to turn around” (the literal meaning of repent) to face God instead.

If you aren’t already in a Bible study won’t you prayerfully consider joining one at Sanctuary this fall?

We have a variety of amazing, Bible focused small groups starting up right now.  You can check them out here.  Most of them launch the 1st week of October which means you still have time to get in on the ground floor!  We are confident that if you commit to giving God these few hours a week, the dividends you receive will be significant.  Or as Jesus says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.” (Luke 6:38).

Categories: Newsletter


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