“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” - Abraham Kuyper
We believe all of life is God’s…that every single thing we do matters to God. Because of this, we recognize the need to have places between Sundays to be encouraged in the Christian life, study God’s word and explore spiritual practices that can keep us healthy and living a life that brings God joy.
Community Groups
Sanctuary is a church of community groups. These are mid-sized groups that gather weekly for fellowship, prayer and study. Participants also serve together in a variety of ways, are always welcoming of newcomers and love kids…so come for a visit!
WEDNESDAY | Greenwood vicinity, 6-8pm |
United (80th & Mary), 6:30-8:30pm |
Zoom, 7pm |
SUNDAY | Zoom, 7pm |
2-4pm |

Going Deeper
Do you feel like things have gotten a little stale in your spiritual life? Are you looking for new things to try in your relationship with the Lord? Here are a smattering of resources…a variety of tried and true starting points we hope can breathe fresh life into your faith!
- Study Questions on Sermon Passages
- Ideas for Exploring Spiritual Practices
- Prayers of Examen– prayers to help you reflect back over the day. Or check out these audio prayers.
- Consolation/Desolation
- Lectio Divina
- Gospel Meditation
- Pray As You Go– this website has lovely 11-12 minute daily meditations on scripture following the lectionary texts.