Jamming on James. Beginning the 30th of September, we will be doing a message series on the New Testament book of James. Many scholars believe that James was actually Jesus’ half-brother. His work is an enduring piece that brings together theology, spirituality and authentic daily life to the glory of God and toward the renewal of all creation.

Have you struggled at times to balance God’s mercy and grace with the need to bear out your faith in the way you live, work, speak and act? Join the club. We all do. And, thank God for the gift of the Word of God that we receive through James. From messages about fear, faith, works, prayer for the sick, managing our speech, living graciously, holding to core standards and dealing with anxiety and discouragement, James has direction for our lives.

Wanna go deep with Jesus? Want the way you live to ring true before a watching world? Want to tame the beastly side of you and let the godly side shine through? James just might be the ticket. Let’s dig in deep together this fall and see how far we can grow toward what God dreams for every single one of us. And, let’s do the work and the prayer together. We are better together and vulnerable alone.

I remain, along life’s way in Jesus with you.

Much Love,

Randy Rowland


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