“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Jesus’ invitation, from Matthew 11:28, is such a needed invitation in 2017 Seattle. As we explored Jesus’ invitation this past Sunday, along with the 4th commandment: keeping the Sabbath, I asked you to consider in what areas of your life might you find little nudges that help you push back against our culture’s obsession with efficiency, and towards embracing the rest that Jesus offers us in the midst of every-day life. Ben Katt (former Sanctuary intern!) wrote a short reflection on our need for inefficiency experts as we follow Jesus. And Adam Haulter sent me a link to where they’re currently celebrating inefficiency week! This week, may you receive the moments of inefficiency in your lives as Jesus’ invitation to enter into his rest, treating people with leisurely love, rather than cold efficiency. May his rest restore you, draw you to himself (the purpose of the sabbath), and remind you that he is the one who sustains you – and indeed sustains all things by his powerful word!
If you need help being inefficient, and loving people leisurely – and if you like food – you should come to the Geelhood’s after church this Sunday for a BBQ. Details below.
-Mark Mohrlang
Co-Pastor |
Sunday August 6
Scripture: Isaiah 49:6-8– Listen to last week’s sermon HEREChildren’s Ministry
Hymn of the Month – Fairest Lord Jesus
Preschool lesson: God Made the World
K-1st lesson: Adam and Eve Disobey
Full Life Discipleship
This group, usually meeting at 9am in the Taproot Lobby, is on break for the summer.
Upcoming Events
S’Mohrlangs = S’mores Mohrlangs
Sundays, 6pm – 8:30ish.
July 16 – August 27 @ the Mohrlang’s (14034 3rd Ave NW)
Singing & Psalms 6-6:30, s’mores to follow. Bring a friend!
BBQ at the Geelhood’s
August 6, right after church
Come to Steve and Jen’s, (8717 16th Ave NW) where hot dogs and fixings will be provided, and bring a side dish to share. Everyone is welcome! |
Neighborhood Opportunities
Greenwood Community Dinners
Greenwood Square hosts community dinners every Thursday at 5pm. Volunteers are always welcome! On the 3rd Thursday of the month, Sanctuary volunteers to be hosts at the meal – to set up at 430, to eat and chat with people, and to help clean up. The next one is on August 17.
Talk to Joey DeYoung for more info! |
Community Groups
Community groups are on break for the summer. Want to join a group in the fall? Being involved in a community group is the best way to get connected at Sanctuary! Sign up HERE or on the back of the communication card Sunday morning!
Every other Sunday: Women’s small group, 6pm in member homes
(contact Mary Vincent for more information)
Events at the Green Bean
Stitching Group
Every Tuesday, join crafters from 5:30-7pm for a drink,
some stitching and conversation.
Open Mic Night
On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 7pm.

Game Night
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Bring a game,
meet a friend and play fun games. Starts at 6:30pm.
Social and Racial Justice
These gatherings are on break for the summer. Meetings will resume in the fall and people interested are encouraged to read and reflect on the Belhar Confession, which the CRC just adopted as Contemporary Confession, over the summer. |
Financial Update
Fiscal Year 2016-2017
Fiscal Year Resources: $217,880
Fiscal Year Expenses: $230,468
Cumulative July Offering |
Budgeted Monthly Offering |
As of July 31, 2017 |
Fiscal YTD Resources |
Fiscal YTD Expenses |
For more information:
- Check out worship Sunday mornings, 10am at Taproot Theatre and visit our Website.
- See what’s happening on our Facebook page.
- Come see us 7 days a week at the Green Bean Coffee House and join us for community hours, Saturdays 9-11am.
To share prayer requests with staff members and the prayer team,