This week’s devotion: William Temple: The Church’s Impact on Society Next week’s devotion: John Woolman: Breaking the Yoke of Oppression
This week we launched into a new sermon series, looking at the book of Daniel. Our premise is that the experience of exile he and his contemporaries went through can be very instructive, even a model & example, for us in the Pacific Northwest in 2017. How do we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land (Psalm 137)? Daniel shows us how. This first week I spent time exploring what it means to live with conviction – the way that Daniel does by refusing to eat from the King’s menu, drawing a line regarding food because of the priority of his relationship with God. I came across this wonderful article about Daniel, in which the authors state that Daniel was a “faithful compromiser.” But how could he be one of conviction and compromise? Is that possible? Is that actually one of the lessons to be learned from Daniel? How do we do that? Give it a read and let me know what you think! – Mark
Upcoming EventsSanctuary Softball Team
Do you play softball? Join Sanctuary’s softball team!
Games are Saturday afternoons from April 29 through June 24.
Email Eric Lentz if you want to play or for more info!
PATH Volunteers needed
Due to increased enrollment (yay!), our preschool could use some volunteer help Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 9-1030. Talk to Summer!
Community Groups
Joining a community group is the best way to get connected at Sanctuary! Sign up HERE or on the back of the communication card Sunday morning!
Every other Sunday: Women’s small group, 6pm in member homes
(contact Mary Vincent for more information)
Events at the Green BeanStitching Group
Every Tuesday, join crafters from 5:30-7pm for a drink,
some stitching and conversation. Open Mic Night
On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 7pm. Game Night
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Bring a game,
meet a friend and play fun games. Starts at 6:30pm.
Social and Racial Justice
On the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm. Join the group for conversation on how to engage those who are vulnerable where we work, live and play.
Listen: Dear Sanctuary Church, The calling I have been discerning and pursuing for the past 10-15 years is to serve and shape the church through teaching, spiritual formation, and pastoral care. This is the calling Read more…
I moved here in early November with the understanding the Co:Here building would be completed in December, but due to construction delays the move was postponed until mid-February. In the months in between I had Read more…