Have you heard of this whole movement coined “Business as Ministry?”  It can sound superficial, naive, or downright impossible depending on who you talk to, although we at Sanctuary know just how real and impactful this model can be – just look at the Green Bean!

There’s another business doing ministry in Greenwood as well.  Many of you know I work at the Upper Crust Catering, and have for over two years.  Along with familiar faces like Chris Grafmiller, Jim Lustig, Jesse Cunningham, and Don Platt, our ministry has been taking shape over the last 30 years.  In fact, it’s become such an integral part of what we do that we now operate a 501(c)3 non-profit called Urban Hands.
Our goal has always been to build relationships, and the vehicle has always been food.  How many times does Scripture deliver that very simple message?  The Israelites wandered in the desert and were provided manna and quail.  Jesus broke bread with his disciples & fed the 5,000.  We celebrate communion as one of only two sacraments in the CRC for goodness sake!  To me, that tells us that whether we’re absolutely starving or throwing an all out celebration, sharing a meal is sacred.  Eating is one of the very few things we all have in common.  For that reason, and sometimes for that reason alone, people sit, share, listen, & love one another.
For us, food means a seed of opportunity. Initially, it’s an opportunity for our hungry guests to get a much needed meal.  From there, it begins to grow.  There are roots of shared experiences, laughter, and empathy.  Soon, you see shoots of friendship, spiritual growth, and passion sprouting up.  Pretty soon you have an entire tree, firmly rooted, with branches like you see at the Upper Crust – meaningful employment, stewardship of resources, and care for the community.
I could go on for pages.  But I won’t. I’m hoping you’ll read this and recognize it as an opportunity as well.  Maybe it’s as simple as scheduling a shared meal time at home or at work.  It could mean volunteering at the food bank with other Sanctuary folks some Saturday (ask Lydia :).  Or perhaps it stirs in you to take that homeless stranger out to lunch, to rediscover just how much we all have in common.
Categories: Newsletter


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