I want to give a special shout out to Simon Cunningham and his work with Roots Church up on Capital Hill. Simon is a born evangelist/apologist. Very few people I have met possess his strength in dialoguing about the Christian faith with those who are far from faith. It’s wonderful to watch Simon in action.
First of all, he has a THEOLOGY PUB gathering monthly that draws up to 50 people. It’s pure theological dialogue and the group is largely composed of people not yet walking in the light of Christ. It is a wonderful gift to Seattle, and Simon is the point person and originator of that work.
Second, Roots Church meets Sunday nights to explore faith together in one of the most challenging neighborhoods in the country. I admire the fact that Simon is willing to experiment and find new ways to gather people and be the church. Simon has recently re-started Roots with an emphasis on forming a super-solid and leadership team so that he is not isolated. This is paying off for him
So … several things:
1- if you know anyone on Capital Hill that would like to be a part of an intriguing new church, let me know or contact Simon Cunningham directly.
2- Pray for the work of Roots Church; that it would grow in depth and number of leaders and that their congregation will grow in size.
3- Simon has battled with mononucleosis this Fall and he could use prayers for recovery of strength and energy.
We are so glad to have Simon Cunningham as a part of our family of churches!
Randy Rowland